经历了 1983 年的美国游戏业萧条后,游戏主机在美国几乎变成过街老鼠,无论是家长还是中间商都不愿意把钱花在这种东西上。与此同时世嘉(SEGA)和任天堂(Nintendo)眼前一亮,他们的目光远渡重洋,看到了海外市场的巨大潜力。
为重振消费者信心,任天堂把自己的 Famicom 主机换了个名字,他们叫它“Nintendo Entertainment System”(还是红白机,日版 FC,海外版本 NES)并作为儿童玩具出售,随机附赠配套光枪 Zapper 以及一个塑料制的机器人 ROB,后者能够在某些游戏中协助玩家(发售没几天就不配 ROB 机器人了)。
然后,任天堂的必杀技是:任天堂官方质量封条(Nintendo Seal of Quality),它表明了任天堂对于任何垃圾游戏、低俗游戏的零容忍,任天堂意在表明他们已经审核了任何在 NES(即 FC)上发行的游戏质量,并且他们还处理了游戏机的芯片以防止其他公司在 NES 上发布未经许可的游戏,此举改变了整个游戏机行业的面貌并开创了行业规范,自此游戏开发人员不得不与主机厂商签订条约。
营销的策略,外加上《超级马力欧兄弟》(Super Mario Bros);《塞尔达传说》(The Legend of Zelda);《银河战士》(Metroid);《 恶魔城》(Castlevania);《 洛克人》(Mega Man)和《最终幻想》(Final Fantasy)等高质量游戏,NES 一度成为当时的文化潮流,游戏主机复活了。
尽管 IBM-PC 兼容机仍然是当时最受欢迎的计算机,但 IBM 也感受到了变革来临。1985 年,英特尔发布了 i386 处理器,康柏(Compaq)迅速将其整合到自己的 DeskPro 386 中,生产出了更加先进的类 IBM 计算机从而赢得了市场。
1987 年,IBM 推出 PS/2 系列个人计算机试图重登王位。PS/2 系列具有全新的 OS/2 操作系统,带有新端口并且全系列都支持最新的 VGA 显示适配器(显示适配器发展到今天,人们叫它显卡)。PS/2 确实有能力抗衡柯摩多尔和雅达利的计算机。但是 IBM 试图强制使用专有架构从而获得对类 IBM 机的控制,这注定了它的失败。简而言之 IBM 的新机器与其他 IBM-PC 兼容机反而不兼容,人们一致表示抵制,它还进一步巩固了 IBM 兼容机的统治地位。何况 IBM 兼容机在不依赖 IBM 架构的前提下成功复制了其功能。
总的来说,80 年代后期中整个行业都充斥着一股令人振奋的创新浪潮,这位接下来 90 年代的创意爆炸奠定了坚实的基础。
Here come
the new challengers
After the crash of 1983, video game consoles had become a dirty word in the US – neither retailers nor parents were willing to spend money on one. But where people saw a dead fad, SEGA and Nintendo saw an opportunity to cross the seas and conquer a new market.
Nintendo's solution was to sell their Famicom console not as a video game console, but as a toy – a “Nintendo Entertainment System” (aka NES), bundled with a Zapper Light Gun and ROB, a plastic robot that would assist players in some games (and was quickly abandoned after release).
Still, Nintendo's masterstroke was the “Nintendo Seal of Quality”, the company's answer to the countless bad, buggy and sometimes even obscene “shovelware” games that flooded the market. Now Nintendo guaranteed the quality of each game they published, and a lockout chip prevented other companies from releasing unlicensed NES games. This would reshape the console industry and become the new norm, with developers now being forced to sign deals with console companies.
These tactics, together with a library of titles like Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Mega Man and Final Fantasy made the NES a cultural phenomena, resurrecting game consoles.
Meanwhile, computers were also facing a change of guard. A new generation of personal computers arrived, led by the Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST. They brought in massive improvements in performance, audio and graphics, but the outstanding revolution was the adoption of the mouse and Graphical User Interfaces. This allowed home computers to become more intuitive and accessible, as even a child could drag the mouse across the screen to click on objects and icons.
While IBM PC-Compatibles remained the most popular platform, they also faced several changes. In 1985, Intel released its i386 processor and Compaq quickly incorporated it in its DeskPro 386, gaining market by producing an IBM clone more advanced than IBM's own machines.
IBM tried to recover its throne with the PS2 family in 1987. It was an innovative machine, with an all-new operational system (OS/2), new ports and a new VGA graphics card that allowed it to rival the Amiga and ST. However, IBM doomed itself by trying to enforce a proprietary architecture in order to regain control over the clones. Simply put, IBM's new machine wasn't IBM PC-Compatible. It faced severe backlash and only further increased the dominance of clones, who managed to replicate its features without relying on IBM.
Overall, the second half of the 80s brought in a wave of innovation that revitalised the whole industry, setting the foundations for the creative explosion that would follow in the 90s.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明