更新日志 2023/1/27
- 加入了柱子的模型
- 增加关卡传送特效
- 光照方向随时间发生动态变化
- 改变了风的方向
- 现在 GameOver 后也可以进行 Undo
- 修复了一些 bug(有关 undo 的、有关计步器连续触发的等等)
- 进行了一些代码重构(以前有一些很蠢的写法)
Update Log 2023/1/27
- Add the model of pillar2
- Add scene-transition VFX
- Light direction will change in the noon-dusk cycle
- Change the wind direction
- Can undo after GameOver
- Fix some bugs(some about undo, some about triggering "pedometer")
- Some code refactoring(I had written some dumb code in the past…)