CRYENGINE V Developer Community in INDIENOVA


创建人: 銀葉吉祥

1 信息 2 成员
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A non-official community for learning CRYENGINE V and discuss with other developers about this breakthrough technology from CryTek.

=== Welcome to CRYENGINE V ===

銀葉吉祥 2017-05-21

DirectX 12 Support

CRYENGINE is the first all-in-one development solution with truly scalable computation, multi-award winning graphics, state-of-the-art lighting, realistic physics, intuitive visual scripting, high fidelity audio, designer friendly AI and much, more - straight out of the box and with no additional royalties!

Real-Time Dynamic Water Caustics

Based on the engine that powered Crysis series, CRYENGINE is yet one of the most powerful 3D game engines, there was a time when CRYENGINE is quite complex and confused, but with the new Sandbox Editor that comes along with CRYENGINE V, it become much easier to utilize CRYENGINE to really do something, although it's still a little difficult to learn CRYENGINE compared with Unity 3D or Unreal Engine 4.


CRYENGINE Source Codes are based on C++, and now fully open source. Now you don't have to pay to use CRYENGINE, or to refer to the source code. Even when you decide to skip and sell your games made with CRYENGINE, you don't have to pay a cent. But the license limits its usage to only game creation, which means you are not allowed to use CRYENGINE to produce movies, architecture design, medical and any other kinds of usages.

C++ or C# programming skills are required to get along with CRYENGINE well. Although Sandbox Editor now includes a flowgraph editor to let you program the game like Unreal Engine does, most developers choosing CRYENGINE still love to work with C++ or C#. Also, CRYENGINE does not support, at least yet, mobile platforms like Android, iOS or Nintendo Switch, only Windows, Mac, XBOX and PS4. But what else could you expect? It's a game engine that provides epic game quality, that's what CRYENGINE does best.

3D HDR Lens Flares

I have to admit, that, learning CRYENGINE is not such a easy thing. If Unreal Engine 4 is horrible, than CRYENGINE is nightmare. But as you finally get well with it, you will be greatly rewarded. CRYENGINE provides you the most advanced game engine and the best graphic quality you could ever achieve. It's truly impressing, and that's what you will experience in all kinds of learning period. Welcome to CRYENGINE, the most powerful game engine in the industry that designed for the next AAA games.

(Photographs from, generated by CRYENGINE)



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