
公众号: 冷帯雨林

Last Activity

久野歩夢 joined group: 游戏配乐 2022-08-19

久野歩夢 joined group: 游戏开发资源 2022-08-13

久野歩夢 joined group: 上海独立游戏 2022-08-13

久野歩夢 posted new topic in group: Unity3D - 音乐制作人,提供免费的游戏配乐 2022-08-13

久野歩夢 liked user's game: 我是两个人 2022-07-25

久野歩夢 updated the game: M. Butterfly: screenshots 2021-11-24

久野歩夢 updated the game: 蝴蝶夫人 : screenshots 2021-11-24

久野歩夢 liked user's game: M. Butterfly 2021-11-23

久野歩夢 updated the game: M. Butterfly: screenshots 2021-11-23

久野歩夢 updated the game: 蝴蝶夫人 : screenshots 2021-11-23

久野歩夢 updated the game: M. Butterfly: screenshots 2021-11-10

久野歩夢 updated the game: 蝴蝶夫人 : screenshots 2021-11-10

久野歩夢 joined group: Unity3D 2021-11-02

久野歩夢 joined group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2021-11-02

久野歩夢 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-11-02

久野歩夢 updated the game: 蝴蝶夫人 : logo image 2021-11-02

久野歩夢 saved article: 游戏编程入门指南 2021-10-30

久野歩夢 liked article: 游戏编程入门指南 2021-10-30

久野歩夢 liked user's game: 蝴蝶夫人 2021-10-20

久野歩夢 followed: 方程 2021-08-22

久野歩夢 made a comment on an article: 《茸雪》:一种存在主义解读 2021-08-19

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