
Last Activity

MiaoMiMi made a comment on an article: Ludum Dare 37经验总结:完成度果然是必要条件 2018-01-19

MiaoMiMi joined group: 游戏古登堡计划 2017-12-08

MiaoMiMi joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2017-12-08

MiaoMiMi joined group: Unity3D 2017-12-08

MiaoMiMi joined group: 热爱游戏制作的大学生 2017-12-08

MiaoMiMi joined group: 游戏开发组 2017-12-08

MiaoMiMi joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2017-08-23

MiaoMiMi followed: 高鸣 蜡烛人挚友 2016-12-28

MiaoMiMi made a comment on an article: 为什么我们要玩老游戏? 2016-06-22

MiaoMiMi redeemed a Steam key The Last Door - Collector's Edition. 2016-06-22

MiaoMiMi was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-06-22

MiaoMiMi made a comment on a blog: E3 活动获奖名单公示 2016-06-21

MiaoMiMi saved article: 浅谈我对游戏本质的思考 2016-06-19

MiaoMiMi followed: Lea Liu 2016-06-19

MiaoMiMi followed: errormee 2016-06-18

MiaoMiMi followed: SkyNightfury 2016-06-18

MiaoMiMi followed: CrapTears 2016-06-18

MiaoMiMi followed: 空气君的替身使者 2016-06-18

MiaoMiMi followed: Humble Ray 2016-06-18

MiaoMiMi followed: eastecho 2016-06-18

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