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巽哥儿 liked article: 网格与图 2023-05-23

巽哥儿 achieved: Newcomer 2021-03-05

巽哥儿 has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-03-05

巽哥儿 made a comment on a user game: 七世界 2020-01-10

巽哥儿 made a comment on a blog: 向中国独立游戏界诸姊诸兄问候 2019-11-21

巽哥儿 made a short review on game: Death Stranding(死亡搁浅) 2019-11-02

巽哥儿 followed: zaumstudio 2019-11-01

巽哥儿 commented on game: 极乐迪斯科 - Disco Elysium 2019-11-01

巽哥儿 made a comment on an article: 这就是我心目中独立游戏应该有的样子 2019-10-30

巽哥儿 liked article: 【风农翻译】像素宝典 #2 2019-10-24

巽哥儿 liked article: Esther的游戏手札:#1~10 2019-10-22

巽哥儿 made a comment on an article: Little Nightmares V.S. Inside:差之毫厘的努力 2019-10-16

巽哥儿 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 10.14-10.20(下) 2019-10-15

巽哥儿 commented on game: 渎神 - Blasphemous 2019-09-12

巽哥儿 liked article: indienova 开放写作计划 2019-09-02

巽哥儿 liked group post: 198X 2019-07-09

巽哥儿 liked group post: 雨 by motocross 2019-07-09

巽哥儿 joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2019-07-09

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