延静斋孙 | indienova


延静斋孙 made a comment on an article: AI 行为树的工作原理 2021-05-11

延静斋孙 liked user blog: 这个风格做成游戏如何 2019-07-20

延静斋孙 saved article: 如何将点阵汉字矢量化 2018-12-12

延静斋孙 liked article: 如何将点阵汉字矢量化 2018-12-12

延静斋孙 has upgraded to grade: 7 2018-06-14

延静斋孙 posted an article: 游必有方 Vol.18 Break Some Rules 2018-06-06

延静斋孙 joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2018-02-14

延静斋孙 joined group: Unity3D 2017-02-16

延静斋孙 created group: Hi-MoE游戏组 2017-02-15

延静斋孙 has upgraded to grade: 6 2017-02-12

延静斋孙 followed: HiMoEGame 2017-02-06

延静斋孙 made a comment on an article: 为什么 Inside 不能是 TGA 年度游戏 2016-12-18

延静斋孙 was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2016-11-23

延静斋孙 made a comment on an article: 像素课堂#2 线条与画面分辨率 2016-11-23

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