PasserA posted new topic in group: 游戏星期天 - 找个美术大哥 2022-07-19

PasserA posted new topic in group: 游戏星期天 - 找程序队友左横版像素塔防游戏 2022-06-09

PasserA saved article: 免费字体:粗柳坊字库 1.1 2022-04-22

PasserA liked article: 免费字体:粗柳坊字库 1.1 2022-04-22

PasserA achieved: Member 2022-02-12

PasserA has upgraded to grade: 5 2022-02-12

PasserA posted new topic in group: 游戏星期天 - ........ 2022-02-12

PasserA liked article: 2021 indienova 十大热门文章 2022-02-09

PasserA liked article: Devlog_01 开坑 2022-01-06

PasserA liked article: 2021 年的个人总结与记录 2022-01-06

PasserA made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 11.15 - 11.21(二) 2021-11-17

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