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- Started 2 NovaPress
No personal information provided
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: title 2023-10-18
Team_Bug updated the game: 虚无探索: screenshots 2023-10-18
Team_Bug saved article: 【GDC】横板卷轴游戏的摄像机技术分享 2023-09-19
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: detailed information 2023-08-10
Team_Bug updated the game: 虚无探索: demos 2023-08-10
Team_Bug saved article: 《潜水员戴夫》:引导、控制玩家行为与体验的艺术 2023-07-19
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: platforms 2023-07-07
Team_Bug updated the game: 虚无探索: platforms 2023-07-07
Team_Bug saved article: 从像素之间谈起:像素游戏的画面增强(上) 2023-06-10
Team_Bug updated the game: Nihilsearch: detailed information 2023-06-05
Team_Bug updated the game: 虚无探索: detailed information 2023-06-05
Team_Bug updated the game: Search: logo image 2023-05-30
Team_Bug updated the game: 虚无探索: title 2023-05-30
Team_Bug liked blog: 【图文搬运】为你的游戏赢得大量首发玩家的五种方法 2023-05-04
Team_Bug liked user blog: 【图文搬运】为你的游戏赢得大量首发玩家的五种方法 2023-05-04
Team_Bug updated the game: 寻找: screenshots 2023-04-27
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: detailed information 2023-03-31
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: videos 2023-03-31
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: detailed information 2023-03-30
Team_Bug updated the game: 智械危机: logo image 2023-03-28
Team_Bug updated the game: 寻找: logo image 2023-03-26
Team_Bug has upgraded to grade: 7 2023-02-28
Team_Bug updated the game: Search: logo image 2023-02-23
Team_Bug updated the game: 寻找: logo image 2023-02-23
Team_Bug saved article: Unity开发:两种屏幕外目标点标记的实现方法 2023-02-02
Team_Bug updated the game: 寻找: detailed information 2023-01-17
Team_Bug saved article: 【译】构建一个通用的轻量级 2d 游戏引擎(part 1+2) 2022-12-26