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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
No personal information provided
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Bitca Games posted an article: 《千手英雄》开发日志 - 可以结束了~
Bitca Games made a comment on an article: 来自御宅学 X indienova 的新年礼物 送给还在开发独立游戏的你 2022-12-29
Bitca Games liked article: 来自御宅学 X indienova 的新年礼物 送给还在开发独立游戏的你 2022-12-29
Bitca Games liked article: 我邀请 14 位游戏设计师,搞了一场大展览 2022-12-22
Bitca Games posted new topic in group: 我们都爱像素风 - 《千手英雄》开发日志 - 可以结束了~ 2022-12-21
Bitca Games posted new topic in group: Godot-StartUP - 《千手英雄》开发日志 - 可以结束了~ 2022-12-21
Bitca Games posted a blog: 《千手英雄》开发日志 - 可以结束了~ 2022-12-21
Bitca Games updated the game: 千手英雄: logo image
Bitca Games released a new game: 星界战场
Bitca Games made a comment on a user game: 窗户之外 2021-11-17
Bitca Games liked article: Godot 导出到 HTML5 实践 2021-11-17
Bitca Games saved article: Godot 导出到 HTML5 实践 2021-11-17
Bitca Games posted an article: 《星辰牧歌》开发进程纪录
Bitca Games liked article: LDtk 一小时完全入门教程 2021-10-27
Bitca Games liked article: Devlog_01 开坑 2021-10-27
Bitca Games posted a blog: 《星辰牧歌》开发进程纪录 2021-10-24
Bitca Games created group: 红白机 | FC | NES 游戏开发 2021-09-13
Bitca Games followed: doowind 2021-06-07
Bitca Games liked user blog: GMS2学习日志★015 2020-07-19
Bitca Games made a comment on a user game: 千手英雄 2020-07-05
Bitca Games made a comment on a blog: 《千手英雄》开发手记 2020-06-11
Bitca Games made a comment on a user game: 千手英雄 2020-06-11
Bitca Games posted an article: 《千手英雄》开发手记
Bitca Games has upgraded to grade: 7 2020-06-10
Bitca Games liked user blog: 译:Celeste和TowerFall中的物理 2020-06-07
Bitca Games updated the game: 千手英雄: store links
Bitca Games posted a blog: 《千手英雄》开发手记 2020-06-07
Bitca Games made a comment on a user game: 帽子精灵 2020-03-22
Bitca Games made a comment on a user game: 千手英雄 2020-03-11
Bitca Games released a new game: 千手英雄