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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
Rashel followed: ThirtyThree 2023-09-05
Rashel saved article: An Idle RPG that Tries to Teach Players How to Program:Interview with the Lead Developer of SSRPG 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: An Idle RPG that Tries to Teach Players How to Program:Interview with the Lead Developer of SSRPG 2023-09-05
Rashel saved article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-05
Rashel liked article: 游戏基础知识——“女神”角色的设计手法 2023-08-30
Rashel saved article: 游戏基础知识——“女神”角色的设计手法 2023-08-30
Rashel saved article: 1-bit 游戏美术风格鉴赏 2023-08-30
Rashel liked article: 1-bit 游戏美术风格鉴赏 2023-08-30
Rashel liked user's game: LIAN 戀 RE:CALL 2023-07-20
Rashel liked article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 07.17 - 07.23(三) 2023-07-20
Rashel liked article: 电脑 RPG 游戏史 #126:女英雄任务 - 诸神黄昏的预兆、流放之路 2023-07-20
Rashel liked article: 《潜水员戴夫》:引导、控制玩家行为与体验的艺术 2023-07-20
Rashel liked article: 游戏基础知识——“复仇者”角色的设计手法 2023-07-20
Rashel posted an article: 协同开发、技术探索与游戏分销:游戏设计教育家汤姆·科贝特专访
Rashel has upgraded to grade: 5 2023-07-17
Rashel liked article: AI Game Jam 2022 总结和分享 2023-06-30
Rashel saved article: 猪头三大冒险:现实的延续 2023-06-30
Rashel liked article: 猪头三大冒险:现实的延续 2023-06-30
Rashel liked article: 《魔戒:咕噜》,但为什么要扮演咕噜? 2023-06-30
Rashel posted an article: 创造体验式情境的游戏设计:专访未来学家斯图亚特·坎迪
Rashel posted an article: 理想的游戏设计生活:全职制作人和业余独立开发者庄景煜
Rashel liked article: 《共享软件英雄》 第8章: “稀奇古怪”的实践 2023-04-05
Rashel liked article: 游戏基础知识——“花园”场景的设计手法 2022-12-02
Rashel liked article: 《数字游戏史》书评:优缺点明显的“另类”之作 2022-12-02
Rashel saved article: 台湾电子游戏史(四):山雨欲来(1996-2003) 2022-12-02