ilAoC posted new topic in group: 我们都爱像素风 - 【兽娘动物园】随笔日志 #4 2020-06-07
ilAoC posted a blog: 【兽娘动物园】随笔日志 #4 2020-06-07
ilAoC updated the game: Puzzle&Draw: detailed information 2020-06-02
ilAoC updated the game: Puzzle&Draw: detailed information 2020-06-01
ilAoC updated the game: Puzzle&Draw: demos 2020-05-27
ilAoC updated the game: Puzzle&Draw: detailed information 2020-05-26
ilAoC liked user's game: Puzzle&Draw 2020-05-26
ilAoC updated the game: Puzzle&Draw: videos 2020-05-26
ilAoC achieved: Indie Developer 2020-05-26
ilAoC released a new game: Puzzle&Draw 2020-05-26
ilAoC has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-05-26
ilAoC saved article: GameJam 成就列表 2019-07-03
ilAoC posted a blog: 从《流浪地球》谈国产游戏何去何从 2019-02-21
ilAoC commented 找队友,有一个点子:外卖小哥模拟器 in group: Unity3D 2019-01-29
ilAoC has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-11-06
ilAoC posted a blog: 【兽娘动物园】随笔日志 #3 2018-11-06
ilAoC made a comment on a blog: 现在是游戏的时代,可我心里不是滋味。 2018-10-30
ilAoC made a comment on an article: indienova Picks:2018 的万圣节玩什么 2018-10-30
ilAoC posted a blog: 【兽娘动物园】随笔日志 #2 2018-10-30