No one ever escaped from it once it was drawn from its sheath,

and no one could resist it.

Last Activity

Ashen saved article: 从电影到游戏-三幕式 2018-02-14

Ashen saved article: 诸神乱战后的废土历险记 2018-02-11

Ashen has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-02-10

Ashen posted a blog: 申请C4D学生版的(小)教程 2017-12-16

Ashen posted a blog: 场景设计还需从宏观入手 2017-12-03

Ashen posted a blog: C4D快捷键 2017-11-19

Ashen posted a blog: 简约不简单 2017-11-15

Ashen made a comment on a blog: 不需要安全感就是自由 2017-11-14

Ashen posted a blog: 不需要安全感就是自由 2017-11-13

Ashen achieved: Newcomer 2017-11-06

Ashen has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-11-06

Ashen posted a blog: blender雕刻功能初探 2017-10-20

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