北山微风 | indienova


北山微风 joined group: 成都独立游戏开发 2019-06-16

北山微风 has upgraded to grade: 3 2019-01-18

北山微风 made a comment on an article: Indie Game Tide Vol.19:Inside & Outside 2016-09-09

北山微风 made a comment on an article: Indie Game Tide Vol.11 - Fly Me to the Moon 2016-09-09

北山微风 made a comment on an article: 像素卡牌外壳下的战棋大坑:《Duelyst》 2016-09-09

北山微风 made a comment on an article: 游戏与景观设计、建筑设计 2016-09-03

北山微风 joined group: HTML5 游戏发现 2016-08-31

北山微风 made a comment on an article: 专业开发者眼中的 GameMaker 2016-08-30

北山微风 made a comment on an article: Rime:静静不语,自有力量 2016-08-20

北山微风 made a comment on an article: Journey 缓解了我的多玩家焦虑症 2016-08-19

北山微风 made a comment on a page: indienova 三周年 2016-08-15

北山微风 joined group: 综合讨论组 2016-08-13

北山微风 liked user's game: 冰杖秘闻 2016-08-11

北山微风 made a comment on a user game: 英雄就是我 2016-08-11

北山微风 made a comment on an article: Locomalito 的希腊神话梦 2016-08-11

北山微风 invited: 1211253839 2016-08-11

北山微风 invited: 1001751 2016-08-10

北山微风 achieved: Newcomer 2016-08-10

北山微风 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-08-10

北山微风 invited: like336 2016-08-10

北山微风 invited: sxz1013 2016-08-10

北山微风 achieved: Invitation 2016-08-10

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