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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
No personal information provided
indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
whitedharma posted an article: Eliza 并不遥远 2019-08-19
whitedharma posted an article: 《武士刀零》如何将一款传统游戏做成动作电影 2019-08-07
whitedharma posted an article: Eko:想法大于实现的互动影视平台 2019-02-02
whitedharma made a comment on an article: YIIK,后现代与千禧世代 2019-01-30
whitedharma made a comment on an article: 诺娃速递:广东之路 2019-01-30
whitedharma made a comment on an article: 诺娃速递:广东之路 2019-01-30
whitedharma posted an article: Unrd:逐渐模糊的游戏边界 2019-01-19
whitedharma posted an article: The Pathless is not aimless 2019-01-13
whitedharma achieved: Member 2019-01-13
whitedharma has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-01-13
whitedharma posted an article: 关于 undertale-like 的若干问题 2019-01-11
whitedharma posted an article: ELOH:休闲解谜与击鼓而歌 2019-01-05
whitedharma posted an article: 《中国式家长》:缺乏反思的真实并不真实 2018-11-07
whitedharma has upgraded to grade: 4 2018-11-07
whitedharma liked article: 文字游戏引擎 ink 初探(上):初步了解 2018-11-03
whitedharma saved article: 文字游戏引擎 ink 初探(上):初步了解 2018-11-03
whitedharma liked article: 2018-10 媒体评分 2018-11-03
whitedharma liked article: 【GDC 摘要】故事的形状:叙事图的结构 2018-11-03
whitedharma posted an article: 这款《人民日报》出品的游戏不让人讨厌 2018-10-28
whitedharma posted an article: 从家庭治疗的角度聊回 Edith Finch 2018-10-12
whitedharma has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-10-12
whitedharma achieved: Author 2018-10-10
whitedharma was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2018-10-10
whitedharma posted an article: Wandersong:反冒险式的轻松旅程 2018-10-10
whitedharma liked article: Indie Focus #92:节后余生 2018-10-08
whitedharma posted an article: Life is Strange 2:如果可以超越公式 2018-10-04
whitedharma achieved: Newcomer 2018-10-04
whitedharma has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-10-04