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恁能 commented on game: 失落余烬 - Lost Ember 2019-11-24

恁能 made a comment on a user game: 奥森大陆 2019-11-24

恁能 liked user's game: Alan Wang 2019-11-24

恁能 made a comment on an article: 游戏安利 #1 2019-07-04

恁能 liked article: 游戏安利 #1 2019-07-04

恁能 liked user blog: 异宇星还 #3 Early Test 版本更新 2019-07-04

恁能 made a comment on a blog: 马造 Game Journal #2 2019-07-04

恁能 made a comment on an article: 用色彩叙事——《一只乌鸦的独白》 2019-06-20

恁能 made a comment on a blog: 《黑镜》第五季 6 月 5 日开播 2019-06-03

恁能 liked article: 朝花夕拾:巴士帝国 2019-05-16

恁能 commented on game: 无标题大鹅 - Untitled Goose Game 2019-05-15

恁能 made a comment on an article: 屠龙勇士的史诗 2019-05-15

恁能 liked article: 屠龙勇士的史诗 2019-05-15

恁能 liked user blog: 屠龙勇士的史诗 2019-05-15

恁能 liked user's game: 无尽战火 2019-05-15

恁能 commented on game: 八方旅人 - Octopath Traveler 2019-04-15

恁能 made a comment on a user game: 无尽战火 2019-04-15

恁能 contributed to game: Solitaire(纸牌) with:封面图片 2019-03-17

恁能 made a short review on game: Metro Exodus(地铁:离去) 2019-03-17

恁能 made a comment on a user game: 墨鲲 2019-03-17

恁能 liked user's game: 墨鲲 2019-03-17

恁能 made a comment on a user game: 夜之歌 2019-03-17

恁能 liked user's game: 夜之歌 2019-03-17

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