π made a comment on an article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-11

π made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 09.04 - 09.10(中) 2023-09-05

π followed: Alonso 2023-09-05

π made a comment on an article: 如何让玩家在可预见的失败中全力以赴?(上) 2023-09-05

π made a comment on a blog: Unity开发规范:目录规范 2023-08-11

π made a comment on a blog: CIGA Game Jam 2023 总结和分享 2023-07-12

π made a comment on a blog: CIGA Game Jam 2023 总结和分享 2023-07-12

π made a comment on an article: RPG Maker:相关历史和游戏作品 2023-07-10

π made a comment on an article: RPG Maker:相关历史和游戏作品 2023-07-03

π made a comment on an article: RPG Maker:相关历史和游戏作品 2023-07-03

π made a comment on an article: RPG Maker:相关历史和游戏作品 2023-07-03

π followed: 世川 2023-04-26

π followed: Cefca16 2023-04-07

π made a comment on a blog: 游戏与自然 2023-04-05

π liked blog: 游戏与自然 2023-04-05

π made a comment on a user game: 鸟兽幻戏图 2023-04-04

π liked user's game: 鸟兽幻戏图 2023-04-04

π liked blog: 受众与交互方式 2023-03-13

used the secret force... 2023-03-13

π followed: Baaaat 2023-03-13

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