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《Trick & Treat》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
- Participated in 2 Steam game intro translation
- Started 4 NovaPress
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《Trick & Treat》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
Rabbiton posted a blog: 缓缓来一个冻得硬邦邦的夏促广告…… 2020-07-06
Rabbiton made a comment on a blog: 《荒镇2·返家》开发日志2.9 2020-02-28
Rabbiton updated the game: 另:爱理的大冒险: basic information
Rabbiton posted a blog: 【游戏发布】《另:爱理的大冒险》发布了! 2019-09-30
Rabbiton posted a blog: 《另:爱理的大冒险》发布倒计时! 2019-09-27
Rabbiton updated the game: 另:爱理的大冒险: title
Rabbiton followed: Jellyshuar 2019-09-27
Rabbiton posted a blog: 2018~个人汉化游戏合集 2018-12-22
Rabbiton posted a blog: 《另:爱理的大冒险》Steam商店页发布! 2018-12-12
Rabbiton updated the game: 另:爱理的大冒险: videos
Rabbiton provided Chinese introduction to the game Hello Charlotte: Childhood's End(你好夏洛特:童年的终结).
Rabbiton provided Chinese introduction to the game Hello Charlotte(你好夏洛特).
Rabbiton posted a blog: 【Steam】万圣节贺图+打折☆2018 2018-10-30
Rabbiton posted a blog: 《你好夏洛特:天国之门》免费版中文发布! 2018-10-14
Rabbiton posted a blog: 《你好夏洛特 EP3:童年的终结》简体中文发布!(附赠深井冰小番外) 2018-08-17
Rabbiton has upgraded to grade: 5 2018-08-17
Rabbiton posted a blog: 【杂言】HC EP2和3的硬核好书单 2018-08-17
Rabbiton posted a blog: 【杂言】T&T中提到的故事和书 2018-08-17
Rabbiton saved article: 看电影还是看游戏? (上) 2018-07-06
Rabbiton liked article: 看电影还是看游戏? (上) 2018-07-06
Rabbiton saved article: 关于低分辨率像素游戏下显示非防锯齿中文 / 汉字的研究 2018-07-05
Rabbiton made a comment on a blog: 《你好夏洛特(Hello Charlotte)》EP1 & EP2 加入中文! 2018-06-27