

Jellyshuar (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

Jellyshuar updated the game: DoubleMiracle: title 2021-06-19

Jellyshuar followed: 风农 2020-04-20

Jellyshuar updated the game: Double Miracle: videos 2019-05-10

Jellyshuar liked user blog: 参加LD44小记 2019-04-30

Jellyshuar posted a blog: 赛尔维西亚地图 2019-04-29

Jellyshuar liked user blog: 30天早起感悟 2019-04-15

Jellyshuar saved article: 更多游戏美术作品集范例 2019-03-17

Jellyshuar liked article: 更多游戏美术作品集范例 2019-03-17

Jellyshuar liked user blog: 老师立绘终于搞定了…… 2019-03-04

Jellyshuar updated the game: Double Miracle: screenshots 2019-02-25

Jellyshuar made a comment on a user game: Double Miracle 2019-02-14

Jellyshuar liked user blog: 现代对话框测试 2019-02-14

Jellyshuar posted a blog: 2019情人节快乐! 2019-02-14

Jellyshuar liked article: 浅谈游戏的叙事节奏设计 2019-02-13

Jellyshuar updated the game: Double Miracle: detailed information 2019-02-11

Jellyshuar followed: Luciffer 2019-02-02

Jellyshuar liked article: 诺娃速递:广东之路 2019-01-30

Jellyshuar posted a blog: 2019-1-29 2019-01-29

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