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quanhome updated the game: 最末行程:胜利路19号: development progress 100% 2021-08-11
quanhome liked user's game: Tiberian Aurora - 泰伯利亚的曙光 2020-12-12
quanhome made a comment on a user game: 最末行程:胜利路19号 2020-12-07
quanhome released a new game: 最末行程:胜利路19号 2020-12-05
quanhome has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-12-05
quanhome liked user blog: 个人如何注册公司 经验分享 2019-05-11
quanhome liked article: 打破常规,以写作的视角看 Undertale-like 游戏 2019-01-16
quanhome liked user blog: Haak 开发日志#1 2018-12-18
quanhome liked blog: Haak 开发日志#1 2018-12-18
quanhome updated the game: 尘沙的选择: development progress 100% 2018-11-22
quanhome liked user blog: 午餐13 :血肉机器 2018-11-20
quanhome liked article: 混沌银河世界观介绍(下篇) 2018-11-18
quanhome liked article: 《地精公司》:随机性的模范,休闲与策略的结合 2018-11-18