laken liked article: 【托马斯游戏文献库】Splatoon(乌贼娘)的诞生故事 2020-06-20
laken updated the game: 死神来早了三天: development progress 4% 2020-04-21
laken has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-04-18
laken posted a blog: 3 days before death开发日志1 2020-04-18
laken made a comment on a user game: 神奇生物学 Fantamal 2020-04-18
laken updated the game: 死神来早了三天: logo image 2020-04-17
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: detailed information 2020-04-16
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: demos 2020-04-16
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: development progress 95% 2020-04-16
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: development progress 90% 2020-04-15
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: development progress 82% 2020-04-15
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: development progress 60% 2020-04-15
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: basic information 2020-04-15
laken updated the game: 好想吃!红葡萄!: development progress 50% 2020-04-14
laken achieved: Indie Developer 2020-04-14
laken has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-04-14
laken liked user blog: 《潮痕》目前的开发进度与计划 #5 2020-04-14
laken liked user blog: 炒鸡牛工作室的Fantamal开发日志00 2020-04-09