indie / walking simulator / souls / puzzle / metafiction


indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

Atlas_w made a comment on an article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-10-04

Atlas_w has upgraded to grade: 6 2021-01-01

Atlas_w liked article: 体验真实的太空和孤独 2020-05-22

Atlas_w posted an article: Close to the sun:伊卡洛斯悲歌 2020-04-14

Atlas_w liked article: 新酒保故事 2020-03-17

Atlas_w liked user blog: HAAK 开发日志#4 2019-10-04

Atlas_w liked article: 一份解谜炖菜 2019-09-28

Atlas_w liked user blog: 一场预先张扬的谋杀 2019-09-08

Atlas_w liked article: Eliza 并不遥远 2019-08-19

Atlas_w followed: 楊靜 2019-08-14

Atlas_w liked article: 游戏研究相关书籍目录 2019-08-12

Atlas_w liked article: 游戏艺术家 #4 2019-07-18

Atlas_w liked article: 诺娃速递:戏剧空间 2019-07-09

Atlas_w liked article: 靠近太阳体会冰冷的恐惧 2019-06-21

Atlas_w made a comment on an article: 靠近太阳体会冰冷的恐惧 2019-06-21

Atlas_w liked article: 转眼已半年|Supply Issue.22 2019-06-16

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