



indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

uplighter made a comment on an article: 聊聊那些具有函数式编程感的游戏 2023-06-11

uplighter liked user's game: 修理行 2022-11-08

uplighter liked user's game: 颜色方块 2022-08-06

uplighter made a comment on an article: 《HAVEN》:好钢用在刀背上 2022-07-01

uplighter made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 05.23 - 05.29(下) 2022-05-27

uplighter made a comment on an article: 谜题游戏《米诺拼图》开发日志 #1 2022-03-18

uplighter followed: agoo 2022-03-18

uplighter updated the game: 蒹葭: screenshots 2022-03-05

uplighter liked user blog: 最棒的旅途 2021-11-05

uplighter posted a blog: 好久不见 2021-10-03

uplighter saved article: 游戏制作省钱大法 2021-09-18

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