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DEN74 made a comment on news: 2021 Steam 冬季特卖开始! 2021-12-23

DEN74 made a comment on a blog: 《XXOO》最终版本 2021-08-25

DEN74 made a comment on a user game: 宝箱大师:勇者的的忠实伙伴 2021-06-03

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 挺进地牢——克服困难的游戏之旅 2021-06-01

DEN74 made a comment on an article: Eureka Vol.1 2021-03-03

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 什么样的游戏是好游戏?— 从发问的动机聊起 2021-01-09

DEN74 achieved: Newcomer 2020-12-09

DEN74 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-12-09

DEN74 made a comment on a user game: 代码:升维 2020-11-10

DEN74 made a comment on an article: indienova 选出的 2019 年度十大独立游戏 2020-11-04

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 与精神科疾病有关的游戏们(一) 2020-11-04

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 11.2-11.8(上) 2020-11-03

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 解谜游戏常见元素 2020-10-15

DEN74 made a comment on a blog: 2020.9.18-更新场景建筑 2020-09-22

DEN74 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 9.7-9.13(下) 2020-09-12

DEN74 made a comment on a blog: 又一年Steam年度大选 2019-12-01

DEN74 liked article: Gorogoa 好在哪里 2019-11-27

DEN74 joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2019-11-22

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