When failure has no penalty, tension is lost and victory becomes a matter of inevitability and loses its feeling of triumph...
I'm just a little Game/Level/Narrative Designer, Poster-Rocker, and Emotion Experience Designer, and a Whovian ! Please give me a T.A.R.D.I.S, I will save the fxxxing universe!

Last Activity

CTU_Catperson achieved: Newcomer 2019-05-15

CTU_Catperson has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-05-15

CTU_Catperson followed: zephyr1125 2019-04-26

CTU_Catperson liked user's game: 嘲笑鸟引擎 2018-06-04

CTU_Catperson followed: 銀葉吉祥 2018-06-04

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