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- Started 1 NovaPress
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aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: development progress 50%
aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: development progress 80%
aaabuse updated the game: 失落的琴弦: detailed information
aaabuse achieved: Indie Developer
aaabuse has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-07-22
aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-22
aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-22
aaabuse made a comment on a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-17
aaabuse posted a blog: 【游戏漫谈】说说《魔兽争霸》《塞尔达传说》《英雄无敌》都有的一种生物 2019-07-16
aaabuse posted a blog: 【游戏漫谈】说说那些出现在《失落的琴弦》中的刑具...... 2019-07-16
aaabuse liked user blog: 【游戏漫谈】里拉琴到底是什么琴? 2019-07-16
aaabuse posted a blog: 【游戏漫谈】里拉琴到底是什么琴? 2019-07-16
aaabuse posted a blog: 【学生团体】游戏开发设计二三事 2019-07-16
aaabuse joined group: Nintendo Switch 小组 2019-07-16