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Last Activity

浔阳不归 made a comment on a blog: 《职场浮生记》#14--Wegame和Steam 2021-05-25

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 浅谈电子游戏中选择的设计 2021-03-19

浔阳不归 made a comment on a user game: 斩妖行 2020-06-17

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 翻译:为什么我不再进行互动叙事的研究 2019-12-02

浔阳不归 achieved: Newcomer 2019-11-21

浔阳不归 has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-11-21

浔阳不归 saved article: 游戏研究相关书籍目录 2019-08-13

浔阳不归 liked article: 游戏研究相关书籍目录 2019-08-13

浔阳不归 made a comment on a user game: 剑魄 2019-06-05

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 本周Steam值得关注的游戏 5.27-6.2 2019-05-29

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 简单谈谈个人对游戏评测的看法 2018-12-20

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的游戏 12.10-12.16 2018-12-18

浔阳不归 made a comment on an article: 从 Elude 到 Celeste:比喻式游戏设计的陷阱 2018-10-18

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