

《法术乱斗》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

xmadao liked user's game: 末日道长 2023-07-08

xmadao updated the game: 怪物训练大师: videos 2023-07-08

xmadao liked user's game: 怪物训练大师 2023-06-30

xmadao released a new game: 怪物训练大师 2023-06-30

xmadao released a new game: 末日道长 2022-06-13

xmadao has upgraded to grade: 4 2019-09-19

xmadao released a new game: 自走象棋 2019-05-28

xmadao updated the game: 僵尸岛求生: development progress 90% 2018-04-25

xmadao updated the game: 僵尸岛求生: demos 2018-04-18

xmadao released a new game: 僵尸岛求生 2018-04-16

xmadao liked user's game: 僵尸岛求生 2018-04-15

xmadao has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-01-13

xmadao joined group: 综合讨论组 2018-01-13

xmadao made a comment on a user game: 方块炸弹人 2018-01-09

xmadao released a new game: 方块炸弹人 2018-01-03

xmadao followed: indienova 2017-11-10

xmadao followed: indienova 2017-11-10

xmadao followed: indienova 2017-11-10

xmadao updated the game: 法术乱斗: screenshots 2017-10-18

xmadao made a comment on a user game: 法术乱斗 2017-08-30

xmadao updated the game: 法术乱斗: detailed information 2017-08-30

xmadao updated the game: 法术乱斗: demos 2017-08-28

xmadao updated the game: 法术乱斗: contacts 2017-08-26

xmadao updated the game: 法术乱斗: screenshots 2017-08-25

xmadao was verified as: 《法术乱斗》开发团队 2017-08-24

xmadao achieved: Indie Developer 2017-08-20

xmadao released a new game: 法术乱斗 2017-08-20

xmadao achieved: Newcomer 2017-08-20

xmadao has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-08-20

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