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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
- Participated in 2 NovaPress
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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)
weiyun made a comment on an article: itch 一周游戏汇:试刊 2023-01-16
weiyun made a comment on an article: 个人下半年 Steam 小众佳作挖掘碎碎念:游戏不知道,吐槽真过瘾 2022-01-25
weiyun liked article: 个人下半年 Steam 小众佳作挖掘碎碎念:游戏不知道,吐槽真过瘾 2022-01-25
weiyun made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 12.13 - 12.19(中) 2021-12-14
weiyun made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 10.11 - 10.17(二) 2021-10-13
weiyun saved article: 手记 1:游戏研究相关书籍目录 2021-08-14
weiyun saved article: 叙事的玩法:游戏叙事研究梳理 #1:研究背景 2021-08-14
weiyun made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 10.12-10.18(下) 2020-10-16
weiyun made a comment on an article: Ludum Dare 45 优秀作品推荐 2019-12-31
weiyun made a comment on an article: 2019 Google Stadia 游戏阵容 2019-11-19
weiyun made a comment on an article: 给外国人做一款学中文的游戏是什么体验? 2019-11-06
weiyun followed: Humble Ray 2019-01-05
weiyun was verified as: indienova 撰稿人 2018-05-23
weiyun posted an article: 创新较多,内容不够——Light Fall 评测
weiyun has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-05-22
weiyun redeemed a Steam key Knytt Underground.
weiyun was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-08-30