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智商高、英语好,喜欢独立、解谜游戏。 (Youtuber / KOL)
- Participated in 1 NovaPress
No personal information provided
智商高、英语好,喜欢独立、解谜游戏。 (Youtuber / KOL)
SuperFashi made a comment on an article: indienova 选出的 2018 年度十大独立游戏 2018-12-29
SuperFashi liked article: indienova 选出的 2018 年度十大独立游戏 2018-12-29
SuperFashi made a comment on an article: Gris:如果你对它不满意,可能是它还不够不 Platformer 2018-12-16
SuperFashi made a comment on an article: 专利恶棍统治的终结♂新音游时代的开始? 2018-07-31
SuperFashi liked article: CH Parallax 快报:顺利开局 Day 1 - 3 2018-07-30
SuperFashi liked article: Florence:钢琴与大提琴的爱情故事 2018-07-25
SuperFashi made a comment on a blog: 【疯王子的疯狂问答】你为什么没有杀人。【标题党】 2018-07-10
SuperFashi posted a blog: 我喜欢的独立游戏音乐 #2 2018-06-21
SuperFashi made a short review on game: Detroit: Become Human(底特律:化身为人) 2018-06-04
SuperFashi posted a blog: test 2018-06-03
SuperFashi followed: erufu 2018-06-03
SuperFashi followed: Oncle 2018-06-03
SuperFashi followed: eastecho 2018-06-03
SuperFashi posted a blog: 我喜欢的独立游戏音乐 #1 2018-06-03
SuperFashi achieved: GameDB 早期测试
SuperFashi followed: 认真的吉吉 2018-05-19
SuperFashi has upgraded to grade: 3 2018-05-18
SuperFashi posted a blog: 任意门工作室薪资事件的另一种可能性 2018-05-18
SuperFashi made a short review on game: Celeste(塞莱斯特山) 2018-04-30
SuperFashi made a short review on game: God of War(战神) 2018-04-30
SuperFashi made a short review on game: Bayonetta 2(猎天使魔女 2) 2018-04-17
SuperFashi made a short review on game: Kirby Star Allies(星之卡比:新星同盟) 2018-04-17
SuperFashi made a short review on game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(塞尔达传说:旷野之息) 2018-04-17
SuperFashi made a comment on an article: A Way Out——游戏内外的友情考验 2018-04-17
SuperFashi made a short review on game: Xenoblade Chronicles 2(异度神剑 2) 2018-03-07
SuperFashi liked article: 色彩泛滥的平台游戏 Spinch,但看着却非常舒服 2018-03-06
SuperFashi liked article: Florence——爱情与生活的一切细腻与琐碎 2018-03-03
SuperFashi made a comment on a user game: Ilbis: The Ocean of Death 2018-01-27
SuperFashi liked article: 我和Ludum Dare的第一次:方块战车48小时游戏极限开发心得 2017-12-10
SuperFashi made a comment on an article: 我和Ludum Dare的第一次:方块战车48小时游戏极限开发心得 2017-12-10