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indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

闪闪金元宝 made a comment on an article: 《怪谈》开发记录(03 - 04) 2020-03-10

闪闪金元宝 liked user blog: 记录玩家行为并回放 2020-02-10

闪闪金元宝 provided Chinese introduction to the game Bridge! 3(桥! 3). 2020-01-14

闪闪金元宝 followed: 夜神不说话 2019-12-10

闪闪金元宝 contributed to game: The Suicide of Rachel Foster(瑞秋·福斯特的自杀) with:中文简介 2019-12-09

闪闪金元宝 achieved: Member 2019-12-09

闪闪金元宝 has upgraded to grade: 5 2019-12-09

闪闪金元宝 liked user's game: EZ4Slime 2019-11-23

闪闪金元宝 joined group: Serious Game功能游戏 2019-11-16

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