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Last Activity

mota posted new topic in group: 广州深圳独立游戏设计 - 通天魔塔 2021-10-29

mota updated the game: 史莱姆勇者: store links 2021-07-11

mota updated the game: 史莱姆勇者: basic information 2021-06-16

mota made a comment on a user game: 史莱姆勇者 2021-06-11

mota made a comment on a user game: 史莱姆勇者 2021-06-11

mota updated the game: 史莱姆勇者: development progress 100% 2021-06-09

mota followed: 西梅树工作室 2021-06-09

mota has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-06-08

mota posted a blog: 史莱姆勇者 2021-06-08

mota achieved: Indie Developer 2021-06-08

mota released a new game: 史莱姆勇者 2021-06-08

mota achieved: Newcomer 2021-06-08

mota has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-06-08

mota posted a blog: 史莱姆勇者 2021-06-07

mota followed: ISVR 2021-01-08

mota followed: lampstudio 2021-01-06

mota liked group post: 桌游电子化项目招募队友 2020-12-28

mota followed: 战术小强 2020-12-24

mota liked user's game: 迷离诡夜 2020-12-21

mota liked user's game: 魔导旅团 2020-12-14

mota liked user blog: 半成品原型Demo做出来了~ 2020-12-04

mota liked user blog: 独立战棋游戏开发日志-3 2020-12-04

mota followed: AAAOE 2020-12-04

mota followed: FriendsMind 2020-03-28

mota joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2020-03-02

mota joined group: Steam 2020-03-02

mota followed: chimaki 2019-11-12

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