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resty liked user blog: 十分游戏,每周更新一个Jam类小游戏 2017-11-22
resty made a comment on a blog: 参与美国某大学游戏开发俱乐部game jam 记录与分享 2017-11-08
resty made a comment on a blog: 参与美国某大学游戏开发俱乐部game jam 记录与分享 2017-11-08
resty made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #79:厚积薄发 2017-10-25
resty commented 有没有大佬能优惠买GMS2,求帮助 in group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-10-14
resty liked article: Daily Pixel 第二周:色调与光感练习 2017-09-29
resty commented 目前世界上有模拟经营类的roguelike么? in group: 综合讨论组 2017-09-27
resty made a comment on an article: 作曲宅 #2:老司机和弦搭配技巧 2017-09-26
resty made a comment on a blog: 一年半之后聊聊免费游戏、RPG Maker、Steam和业余独立游戏作者 2017-09-15
resty made a comment on an article: 陈星汉这回带你到天上飞 2017-09-13
resty commented 作为一个玩家,我更喜欢打开一款游戏,然后天荒地老 in group: 综合讨论组 2017-08-24
resty made a comment on an article: 基于 Unity 的 Roguelike 随机房间生成的方法 2017-08-11
resty commented 一个关于2D飞行射击类游戏的问题 in group: 综合讨论组 2017-08-07
resty commented 一个关于2D飞行射击类游戏的问题 in group: 综合讨论组 2017-08-05
resty commented LD39又要来了 in group: Ludum Dare 2017-07-28
resty made a comment on an article: 【作曲宅】手把手教你创作独立游戏音乐 #1 2017-07-25
resty posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD39又要来了 2017-07-18
resty has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-07-03
resty made a comment on a blog: SGDQ2017速通大会开始啦! 2017-07-03
resty made a comment on an article: 2017 Steam 夏促工具篇 2017-06-29
resty joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-06-26
resty made a comment on an article: Rain World: 活着真好 2017-03-29
resty made a comment on a blog: 基于深度优先搜索的寻路算法及其进一步的探究 2017-03-22
resty made a comment on a blog: 开始一个新的征程——《逆川》游戏开发计划 2017-02-13
resty made a comment on an article: 游必有方 Vol.7《以撒的结合》游玩体验 2017-02-10
resty made a comment on an article: Indie Figure: 用 PICO-8 开发游戏原型的 Benjamin Soulé 2017-01-14
resty commented A Closer Look of LD37: Tangent (Compo #3) in group: Ludum Dare 2017-01-07