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- Started 1 NovaPress
No personal information provided
Nandy_4 liked user blog: 关于设计方法的认知笔记:自顶向下与自底向上 2023-02-08
Nandy_4 liked article: 一些建议:给想要创立游戏工作室的人 2023-01-04
Nandy_4 liked article: 基于《蔚蓝(CELESTE)》实现一个简易的2D物理系统(二) 2022-12-30
Nandy_4 followed: iNSPiRATiON 灵感发现 2022-12-30
Nandy_4 liked user blog: 内核丰富的not game 2022-12-14
Nandy_4 made a comment on a blog: 内核丰富的not game 2022-12-14
Nandy_4 liked article: 【译】闯入游戏开发 #2:游戏开发的常见陷阱(以及如何避免它们) 2020-10-09
Nandy_4 liked article: 天美动画师实例讲解:如何才能画好一团火焰? 2020-10-09
Nandy_4 posted a blog: 《遗愿》开发日志_02 2020-08-11
Nandy_4 posted a blog: 《遗愿》开发日志_01 2020-07-28
Nandy_4 has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-07-28
Nandy_4 made a comment on a blog: 2019-12-13
Nandy_4 updated the game: Splatint: basic information
Nandy_4 updated the game: Splatint: basic information
Nandy_4 posted a blog: 解密小游戏《Splatint》Demo试玩 2019-09-01
Nandy_4 achieved: Indie Developer
Nandy_4 has upgraded to grade: 2 2019-08-30