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《T11》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
No personal information provided
《T11》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)
lascoh was verified as: 《T11》开发团队 2016-11-23
lascoh redeemed a Steam key Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna).
lascoh was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-08-30
lascoh saved article: 来自俄罗斯团队的阴冥之旅 2016-08-20
lascoh saved article: Undertale 中文指南 2016-08-20
lascoh saved article: Pintripe 条纹丈夫还是选择了众筹 2016-08-20
lascoh saved article: The Pirate Bay Bundle,101 款免费独立游戏集合 2016-05-03
lascoh saved article: 来看看像素废土风 Death Trash 有了哪些新进展 2016-05-03
lascoh saved article: 创作《银河大冒险3》的更多细节 2016-03-21
lascoh saved article: 机械迷城团队新作《银河历险记3》发售在即! 2016-03-21
lascoh updated the game: T11: platforms
lascoh followed: artorias007 2016-02-22
lascoh saved article: Voxatron 和它的堂兄 PICO-8 2016-02-18
lascoh has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-02-18
lascoh updated the game: T11: preview image
lascoh achieved: Indie Developer
lascoh followed: liberalgate 2016-02-18
lascoh followed: Humble Ray 2016-01-18