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Hyy made a comment on an article: 看看这次任天堂又带来什么独立游戏了 2017-09-07

Hyy saved article: 游戏本地化的实现 2016-09-02

Hyy made a comment on an article: 游戏本地化的实现 2016-09-02

Hyy made a comment on a user game: Yesterday 2016-09-01

Hyy saved article: Rime:静静不语,自有力量 2016-08-19

Hyy made a comment on a page: 游戏古登堡项目 2016-08-15

Hyy made a comment on a page: indienova 三周年 2016-08-15

Hyy made a comment on an article: 在《拯救世界特别小队》直播之后的一些思索 2016-08-15

Hyy made a comment on an article: Critical Path Project 游戏要义系列 Vol.1 2016-08-12

Hyy made a comment on an article: 视频 2016-08-12

Hyy followed: IndieSomi 2016-07-22

Hyy made a comment on an article: Indie Figure:韩国独立开发者社会沉思的游戏表达 2016-07-22

Hyy made a comment on an article: 云室(Cloud Chamber):一款新类型的游戏 2016-07-22

Hyy made a comment on an article: GameMaker: Studio 中文教程 #1: 介绍与安装 2016-07-22

Hyy made a comment on a blog: 会员游戏 Blue Solar: Chaos War 现已上架 Steam 2016-07-22

Hyy made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #19:Furi,你不值这个价 2016-07-12

Hyy made a comment on an article: 美丽而神秘的Gris:一无所知下的满心期待 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on an article: 美丽而神秘的Gris:一无所知下的满心期待 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on an article: 真正的开发刚刚开始:TCG War Of Kingship 开发心得 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on a user game: Replica 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on a user game: 彼岸 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on a blog: 里世界完全攻略说明 2016-07-08

Hyy made a comment on an article: 你们对 Scorn 的恶心一无所知 2016-07-06

Hyy made a comment on an article: 献给祖母的小诗 2016-07-06

Hyy saved article: 《铲子骑士》挖出了什么? 2016-07-05

Hyy made a comment on an article: 心灵相系、骨肉相连的生命 2016-07-05

Hyy liked user's game: 月影之塔 2016-07-04

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