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Heroes Productions (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

heroesproductions updated the game: 请在末日战斗: videos 2017-12-26

heroesproductions made a comment on a user game: 请在末日战斗 2017-12-20

heroesproductions has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-12-19

heroesproductions made a comment on a user game: 请在末日战斗 2017-12-19

heroesproductions updated the game: 请在末日战斗: videos 2017-12-11

heroesproductions updated the game: 请在末日战斗: contacts 2017-12-09

heroesproductions updated the game: 请在末日战斗: screenshots 2017-12-08

heroesproductions liked user's game: 请在末日战斗 2017-11-14

heroesproductions updated the game: 请在末日战斗: screenshots 2017-11-14

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: logo image 2017-11-14

heroesproductions released a new game: 请在末日战斗 2017-11-14

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: videos 2017-08-11

heroesproductions joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2017-08-02

heroesproductions liked user's game: 机器人英雄 2017-07-22

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: videos 2017-07-01

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: preview image 2017-07-01

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: preview image 2017-06-29

heroesproductions updated the game: 机器人英雄: videos 2017-06-29

heroesproductions was verified as: Heroes Productions 2017-06-29

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