We are Grame Studios, a videogame development studio formed by three fantastic and exceptional members. Our objective is to create a game that is fun but at the same time challenging for the player. We have done more projects together and we know how to work as a team, that's why we know that this project will be the best of our works and we decided that this game would be the one that would make us known in the world of video games.


Hello, we are Grame Studios, an indie game studio. (Dev / Studio)

GrameStudios was verified as: Hello, we are Grame Studios, an indie game studio. 2018-06-19

GrameStudios liked user's game: Sepsis 2018-05-27

GrameStudios achieved: Indie Developer 2018-05-27

GrameStudios released a new game: Sepsis 2018-05-27

GrameStudios achieved: Newcomer 2018-05-27

GrameStudios has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: Lefland 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: YuqinWan 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: 低多边形厌氧菌 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: ambedoz 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: 复活的枕头 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: 很纠结 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: eastecho 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: SELeft 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: meme 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: roysd 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: Zirbry Studio Smart Game 2018-05-27

GrameStudios followed: QLYQ 2018-05-27

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