




《空箱》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

indienova 撰稿人 (Writer)

Last Activity

ambedoz posted an article: 《Booth 空箱》发售一周年回顾 2021-07-26

ambedoz updated the game: 空箱: awards 2021-07-24

ambedoz liked article: CIGA Game Jam 2021 总结和分享 2021-07-24

ambedoz made a comment on a user game: 黑羊 2020-11-15

ambedoz made a comment on a user game: 空箱 2020-07-19

ambedoz updated the game: 空箱: basic information 2020-07-17

ambedoz liked article: 一个非著名游戏展会的邀请 2020-07-17

ambedoz updated the game: 空箱: detailed information 2020-06-17

ambedoz updated the game: 空箱: platforms 2020-03-28

ambedoz updated the game: 空箱: detailed information 2020-03-14

ambedoz liked article: 游戏常见寻路算法可视化 2020-03-11

ambedoz made a comment on news: 来呀,立 Flag 呀! 2020-01-16

ambedoz has upgraded to grade: 6 2019-12-25

ambedoz followed: NitoSouji 2019-11-26

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