狗头 made a comment on a user game: 行记:明 2023-09-23

狗头 made a comment on a user game: 行记:明 2023-09-21

狗头 made a comment on a user game: 行记:明 2023-09-21

狗头 made a comment on a user game: 行记:明 2023-09-18

狗头 liked user's game: 行记:明 2023-09-18

狗头 followed: 2D OS GAMES 2023-08-18

狗头 made a comment on an article: 炒作:让游戏行业自行包装历史的危险性 2023-08-17

狗头 made a comment on an article: 炒作:让游戏行业自行包装历史的危险性 2023-08-17

狗头 followed: 方程 2023-08-17

狗头 made a comment on a user game: IRON CORBO: KUNG FU JANITOR 扫除武术 2023-08-17

狗头 liked user's game: IRON CORBO: KUNG FU JANITOR 扫除武术 2023-08-17

狗头 made a comment on an article: 失忆英雄:为什么我们正在放弃游戏史 2023-08-08

狗头 updated the game: 猪头三大冒险: detailed information 2023-07-21

狗头 liked user blog: 2023上半年蒸汽小众佳作个人选 2023-07-10

狗头 made a comment on a user game: 猪头三大冒险 2023-05-23

狗头 made a comment on an article: 个人开发:传闻、现实与生存策略 2023-05-22

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