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街机老玩家,《星之卡比:呐喊团》汉化者 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

CRomputer-罗 has upgraded to grade: 3 2022-03-12

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2022-03-12

CRomputer-罗 posted a blog: 搁置两年后再次更新。 2021-01-25

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2021-01-25

CRomputer-罗 posted a blog: J_模型制作 2018-11-19

CRomputer-罗 posted a blog: 飞鸟战机1.9.0上线 2018-10-26

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2018-07-09

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2018-07-05

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2018-07-04

CRomputer-罗 posted a blog: 公布贴图测试程序 2018-04-27

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: detailed information 2018-04-27

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: platforms 2018-04-22

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: detailed information 2018-04-21

CRomputer-罗 was verified as: 街机老玩家,《星之卡比:呐喊团》汉化者 2017-10-09

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: demos 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: 烏龍 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 updated the game: 飞鸟战机: logo image 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 posted a blog: 1.5版本上线 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 achieved: Indie Developer 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 released a new game: 飞鸟战机 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 achieved: Newcomer 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: Oncle 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: ever 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: OTAKU牧师 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: 叶默哲 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: 亚恒 2017-09-28

CRomputer-罗 followed: Momono 2017-09-28

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