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Last Activity

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-21

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: features 2021-08-20

cnint627 has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-08-20

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-19

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: logo image 2021-08-18

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-16

cnint627 posted a blog: v0.2.1版本更新:地图优化 2021-08-15

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-15

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: screenshots 2021-08-14

cnint627 posted a blog: 正在制作地图编辑器!! 2021-08-14

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: detailed information 2021-08-14

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-14

cnint627 posted a blog: 正在制作新地图~~现代主题 2021-08-13

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-13

cnint627 updated the game: 景中人: demos 2021-08-13

cnint627 liked user's game: 景中人 2021-08-13

cnint627 posted a blog: 景中人v0.1版本上线 2021-08-13

cnint627 achieved: Indie Developer 2021-08-13

cnint627 released a new game: 景中人 2021-08-13

cnint627 achieved: Newcomer 2021-08-13

cnint627 has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-08-13

cnint627 liked user blog: 丰富与不必要的多样性 2020-06-04

cnint627 followed: indienova 2020-06-03

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