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BrotherShort made a comment on a blog: Godot引擎获EPIC MEGAGRANT资助计划 2020-02-08

BrotherShort joined group: Global Game Jam 2020-02-03

BrotherShort followed: 游戏发现 2018-06-04

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品 5.28-6.3 2018-06-01

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品1.1-1.6 2018-01-05

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: Gorogoa:用五年时间 雕刻一件艺术品 2017-12-16

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 2018年值得期待的30款独立游戏 2017-12-14

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品12.5-12.10 2017-12-07

BrotherShort has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-12-07

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的作品12.5-12.10 2017-12-07

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 旋转,跳跃,探索一个4D世界 2017-05-30

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的游戏4.25-4.28 2017-04-25

BrotherShort made a comment on an article: Humble Bundle 超级大包只为自由发声 2017-02-15

BrotherShort made a comment on a blog: Steam 秋季特卖现已开始 2016-11-24

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