No personal information provided
- Participated in 35 Steam game intro translation
No personal information provided
迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 【游戏梦】疯王子的人文观察之挫爆 2018-05-12
迪圣极元 joined group: 米诺陶 Minotaur 2018-01-08
迪圣极元 liked user blog: 猫粮狗粮像是宠物进入普通家庭的阴谋 2017-10-14
迪圣极元 liked article: 听 Podcast:练英语,学设计,治失眠 2017-08-24
迪圣极元 liked user blog: 发几张原来领养的喵星人。 2017-08-24
迪圣极元 liked user blog: 【鸟之交响】小波表情包 #2 2017-08-24
迪圣极元 commented 不如大家分享下如何了解到indienova的经历! in group: 综合讨论组 2017-08-23
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Kingsway(王道).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Everything(万物).
迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 为啥要把日志的浏览量隐藏了啊? 2017-08-15
迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 疯王子杯第一届 Story Jam 参赛作品 诛心魔 2017-08-12
迪圣极元 liked user blog: 疯王子杯第一届 Story Jam 参赛作品 诛心魔 2017-08-12
迪圣极元 has upgraded to grade: 6 2017-08-11
迪圣极元 made a comment on a blog: 疯王子杯第一届 Story Jam 参赛作品《吃瓜连环杀人案》 2017-08-11
迪圣极元 liked user blog: 疯王子杯第一届 Story Jam 参赛作品《吃瓜连环杀人案》 2017-08-11
迪圣极元 posted a blog: 疯王子杯第一届story jam比赛参赛作品《王冠明灭》 2017-08-11
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Mind: Path to Thalamus(心智:视丘之径).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes(话痨不会死).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Rampage Knights(暴虐骑士).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Besiege(围攻).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Crawl(爬行).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game BattleBlock Theater®(战砖剧场®).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Spelunky(洞穴冒险).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game Evoland(进化之地).
迪圣极元 provided Chinese introduction to the game klocki(klocki).
迪圣极元 was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2017-01-14