WnMStudio | indienova


WnMStudio updated the game: 伐木王: store links 2017-08-17

WnMStudio made a comment on a user game: 电竞俱乐部 2017-07-01

WnMStudio released a new game: 伐木王 2017-06-20

WnMStudio has upgraded to grade: 4 2017-06-20

WnMStudio made a comment on a blog: 跳楼狂潮最新更新 2017-06-13

WnMStudio posted a blog: 跳楼狂潮最新更新 2017-06-11

WnMStudio updated the game: 铁石心肠: development progress 15% 2017-05-26

WnMStudio posted a blog: 跳楼狂潮2.0更新补丁 2017-02-24

WnMStudio released a new game: 铁石心肠 2017-02-22

WnMStudio has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-02-22

WnMStudio released a new game: 跳楼狂潮 2017-02-22

WnMStudio posted a blog: SoL游戏项目已被取消 2017-02-22

WnMStudio was verified as: 《传说演义》开发团队 2016-11-23

WnMStudio posted a blog: SOL又发生了很多很多变化 2016-05-20

WnMStudio updated the game: 传说演义: basic information 2016-05-20

WnMStudio updated the game: 传说演义: screenshots 2016-03-22

WnMStudio updated the game: 传说演义: detailed information 2016-03-21

WnMStudio achieved: Newcomer 2016-03-08

WnMStudio has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-03-08

WnMStudio posted a blog: 标题画面定稿 2016-03-08

WnMStudio liked user's game: 传说演义 2016-03-08

WnMStudio updated the game: 传说演义: logo image 2016-03-07

WnMStudio achieved: Indie Developer 2016-03-07

WnMStudio released a new game: 传说演义 2016-03-07

WnMStudio followed: Humble Ray 2016-03-07

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