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magicd joined group: Godot-StartUP 2022-04-11

magicd achieved: Newcomer 2018-11-21

magicd has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-11-21

magicd made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #20:独立游戏定价迷思 2016-07-19

magicd saved article: Troy: 我是如何设计地牢的 2016-05-22

magicd made a comment on a user game: 网页地牢 2016-05-20

magicd made a comment on an article: 房间和迷宫:一个地牢生成算法 2016-05-05

magicd followed: eastecho 2016-05-03

magicd followed: indie 新闻官 2016-05-03

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