taxol has upgraded to grade: 2 2023-10-13
taxol liked group post: LD54 《乌鸦环绕的死亡》 2023-10-10
taxol saved article: Pippin Barr:游戏比有趣本身要有趣多了 2023-05-18
taxol liked article: Pippin Barr:游戏比有趣本身要有趣多了 2023-05-18
taxol commented LD53 Rescuer Rabbit in group: Ludum Dare 2023-05-06
taxol liked group post: LD53 A Letter To My Friend D 2023-05-06
taxol commented LD53 Compo Untitled in group: Ludum Dare 2023-05-01
taxol posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD53 Compo Untitled 2023-04-30
taxol liked user blog: 我与父亲共同创作的独立游戏《三国仁义传》 2023-03-31
taxol liked article: 灵感搅拌机 # 02 2023-01-24
taxol liked group post: LD52 light.on() by Wuming Games 2023-01-13
taxol posted new topic in group: Ludum Dare - LD52 Compo KICK 2023-01-12
taxol joined group: Ludum Dare 2023-01-09