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lunarDust posted a blog: Steam新品节快到啦!更新了一版游戏宣传片! 2023-10-06
lunarDust posted an article: 【中文字幕】不擅长美术,那该如何让你的游戏变得好看? 2023-10-01
lunarDust has upgraded to grade: 4 2023-10-01
lunarDust posted an article: 【中文字幕】探秘《Inside》谜题设计 2023-09-24
lunarDust liked user blog: 《小石头人踏上旅程》正式上架Steam! 2023-09-24
lunarDust posted an article: 【中文字幕】如何做更少的事让你的独立游戏变得更好? 2023-09-17
lunarDust has upgraded to grade: 3 2023-09-17
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: basic information 2023-08-09
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: detailed information 2023-07-16
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: awards 2023-07-16
lunarDust posted a blog: 《动物安排员》重大版本更新! 2023-07-16
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: basic information 2023-07-16
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: logo image 2023-06-26
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: detailed information 2023-06-22
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: screenshots 2023-06-20
lunarDust updated the game: 动物安排员: logo image 2023-06-13
lunarDust achieved: Indie Developer 2023-06-12
lunarDust has upgraded to grade: 2 2023-06-12
lunarDust saved article: 【游戏开发经验分享】如何低成本制作游戏音效 2019-11-19
lunarDust liked article: 突现 vs 沉浸:《塞尔达:旷野之息》的得与失 2017-12-09
lunarDust joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2017-12-01
lunarDust saved article: 旋转,跳跃,探索一个4D世界 2017-05-29
lunarDust liked article: AMAZE第一夜:独立游戏开发者的地下气质 2017-05-03
lunarDust liked article: 白色深渊:Starseed Pilgrim 分析#2:空间设计 2017-05-03
lunarDust joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2017-04-23