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《军团战争-策略战棋》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

熊和猫 released a new game: 暂时还没想好名字的肉鸽战棋 2023-01-07

熊和猫 released a new game: 国产游戏公司模拟 2021-01-14

熊和猫 has upgraded to grade: 4 2021-01-14

熊和猫 updated the game: legion war: videos 2018-12-30

熊和猫 updated the game: legion war: logo image 2018-12-13

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战棋-英雄时代: videos 2018-12-13

熊和猫 updated the game: legion war: store links 2018-11-26

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战棋-英雄时代: videos 2018-11-26

熊和猫 liked user's game: 军团战棋-英雄时代 2018-11-18

熊和猫 released a new game: 军团战棋-英雄时代 2018-11-18

熊和猫 has upgraded to grade: 3 2017-06-29

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战棋-策略游戏: logo image 2017-03-24

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战棋-策略游戏: title 2017-01-02

熊和猫 made a comment on a blog: RD1.1 大规模感染开始 2016-12-07

熊和猫 liked user's game: 军团战争-策略战棋 2016-11-23

熊和猫 was verified as: 《军团战争-策略战棋》开发团队 2016-11-23

熊和猫 made a comment on a blog: 军团战争-策略战棋-indienova日志一 2016-11-23

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战争-策略战棋: modern URL 2016-11-21

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战争-策略战棋: logo image 2016-11-19

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战争-策略战棋: videos 2016-11-18

熊和猫 updated the game: 军团战争-策略战棋: title 2016-11-18

熊和猫 created group: beat&cat 2016-11-18

熊和猫 released a new game: 军团战争-策略战棋 2016-11-18

熊和猫 achieved: Indie Developer 2016-11-17

熊和猫 achieved: Newcomer 2016-11-17

熊和猫 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-11-17

熊和猫 released a new game: 军团战争-策略战棋 2016-11-17

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