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Last Activity

魔都KK achieved: GameDB 早期测试 2018-06-03

魔都KK contributed to game: River City Ransom: Underground(热血物语赎罪:地下世界) with:中文名称 2017-11-16

魔都KK contributed to game: RunGunJumpGun(跑枪跳枪) with:中文名称 2017-11-16

魔都KK created new game list: 游戏古登堡计划翻译作品 2017-11-16

魔都KK contributed to game: Zoo Tycoon 2(动物园大亨2) with:中文名称 2017-11-15

魔都KK made contribution for Transport Tycoon(运输大亨), made contribution for Transport Tycoon(运输大亨) 2017-11-15

魔都KK achieved: Member 2017-11-15

魔都KK has upgraded to grade: 5 2017-11-15

魔都KK contributed to game: Chinese Paladin 5(仙剑奇侠传五) with:封面图片 2017-11-15

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